Memorandums of cooperation

Tourism Development Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

A memorandum of understanding was signed between NC Kazakh Tourism JSC and the Tourism Development Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. The Memorandum is aimed at joint promotion of cross-border tourist routes, promotion of close cooperation between travel agencies, cooperation in improving the tourism infrastructure, arrangement of joint tours and experience sharing.

Memoranda of cooperation

Ағымдағы жылы Қоғам және Ресейдің Туризм жөніндегі Федералдық агенттігі арасында туристік дестинацияны танымал ету және елдер арасында туристік алмасу мақсатында меморандумға қол қойылды. Ынтымақтастық халықаралық туристік нарықтарда трансшекаралық туристік бағыттарды бірлесіп жылжытуды, ақпараттық және баспасөз турларын өткізуді, екі елдің аумағында инвестициялық жобаларға қатысуды көздейді.

ITB Eurasia

ITB Eurasia

An agreement was signed between NC Kazakh Tourism JSC and representatives of ITB, one of the largest tourist exhibitions in the world. The annual tourist exhibition ITB Eurasia in Astana is considered within the framework of the agreement. In addition to the world-famous exhibition in Berlin, ITB has already held successfully similar exhibitions in Singapore and China. The exhibition will make it possible to create a convenient platform in Astana for the world tourist business in order to establish contacts in business, resolve marketing issues, etc. The platform will unite the tourist community, which is looking for new opportunities in the field of tourism: from creation of new air routes to the implementation of new technologies.

Quality mark Q


National Company Kazakh Tourism is working on the issue of introducing a voluntary quality mark of tourist products and services on the basis of the Spanish “Q” system in cooperation with the independent ICTE agency (El Institutoparala Calidad Turística Española). ICTE is a member of the World Tourism Organization; it works in conjunction with state administration bodies and private sector. This organization develops projects and training programs in the field of tourism quality standards, development of tourist products, improving their accessibility and management of destinations, etc.

“Q” quality mark of tourism is a brand that is assigned to the tourist organizations that meet all high quality standards. Tourist facilities marked by such sign will be able to raise awareness in the international and domestic markets, and can also count on the loyalty of potential tourists.

In April of this year, Fernando Fraile, ICTE Executive Director, Mrs. Maricruz Cadiz, ICTE Technical Director, and independent consultant Alla Peresolova visited Astana, Almaty and Almaty Region with support of Astana Convention Bureau LLP, OpenTravelAdvisory LLP, Akimat of Almaty Region, SCAT Airlines.

Experts say that due to certification process tourist facilities significantly improve the quality of services provided and their competitiveness.

The pilot project on the introduction of the Spanish quality mark will be implemented on a voluntary basis in Astana, Almaty and Almaty region. Other regions of Kazakhstan may also join the project on a voluntary basis.

The pilot project in Astana and Almaty is expected to include 3 categories of facilities: hotels, conference centers and tourist information centers, and 5 categories in Almaty region including hotels, ski resorts, travel agencies, national nature parks and beaches (Lake Kapchagay, Lake Balkhash).