Tourism in Kazakhstan

We introduce Kazakhstan to the world with its endless tourism potential and centuries-old unique national tradition of hospitality.


Competency development and investment attraction

Competency development and investment attraction

Participation in the development and implementation of basic quality standards;

Incentives for creation of new tourist products and improvement of existing ones;

Generation of proposals for the implementation of investment projects;

Co-investing in “anchor” projects

Digitalization of the tourism industry

Development of systems for automating various processes in the field of tourism;

Carrying out projects to increase the attractiveness of the destination for tourists in terms of digitalization.

Digitalization of the tourism industry
Information and analytical support

Information and analytical support

Research and analysis;

Elaboration of master plans for the development of tourist destinations;

Monitoring trends in tourism on an ongoing basis.

Marketing and promotion

Formation and implementation of the promotion strategy of Kazakhstan as a tourist destination;

Promotion of tourist potential of Kazakhstan through traditional and digital channels of promotion within the country and abroad;

Development a united tourist portal of Kazakhstan;

Organization of exhibitions, road shows and info-tours;

Attracting MICE events in Kazakhstan.

Marketing and promotion



Astana city, Mangilik avenue 55/14

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