The development strategy of JSC NC Kazakh Tourism for 2022-2031 was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 29, 2021, No. 948.

The mission of JSC «NC «Kazakh Tourism» is to make tourism in Kazakhstan popular, comfortable, and affordable

The vision of JSC «NC «Kazakh Tourism» plays the main role in the tourism industry. The JSC «NC «Kazakh Tourism» is an information-analytical for the management, coordination, and development resource of tourism in Kazakhstan.

Strategic directions, goals, and objectives of JSC «NC «Kazakh Tourism» for ten years:

Strategic directions



Development of tourist resources.

Increase the attractiveness and accessibility of tourist destinations.

Monitoring and promotion of infrastructure development of tourist destinations

Attracting investment in the tourism industry

To format favorable conditions for the development of the tourism industry.

Increase the quality of touristic products and services.

Administration of subsidies on the principle of "Kids Go Free"

Competence development

Digitalization of the tourism industry

Development of tourist products

Development of the tourism industry ecosystem

To promote the country's tourism potential in the domestic and international markets.

To ensure the recognition of tourist destinations in Kazakhstan.

Online promotion

Offline promotion

Management of the national tourist brand

To guarantee the sustainable development of the company.

To ensure the growth of the long-term value of the Company.

Ensuring financial stability

Improving the corporate development system

Improving the effectiveness of personnel policy